Hack before reading


Sending an image to a PHP server as a base64 string. How to do it? What went wrong? And how to solve the error of invalid image.


Using seperated images instead of texture atlas may cause your Phaser game to perform badly. I would be discussing how packing images in texture atlas helped save a game from crashing on older devices.

So I wrote my own Virtual Joystick Plugin for the HTML5 game engine Phaser. That may sound stupid now, but at that time @photostorm didn’t release his official plugin yet. Still, it’s a $20 value there.

A stalker doesn’t stick on his target, he keeps distance and quietly follows. Unsatisfied with the follow functionality of the Camera class of the HTML5 game engine Phaser, I made a stalker out of my own.

I realized the Camera class of the HTML5 game engine Phaser does not have zoom functionality, so I decided to build another camera that does, using a Group to simulate the scale and motion.